
Saturday, April 30, 2005


Eating Habits

Eating habits are based on more than just hunger. Several other factors are involved in how and what we eat: enjoyment, impulse, convenience, cultural background, environment, emotional status and so on. Our physique, age, height, muscle tone, bone structure, physical activities, mental status and metabolism make us all a little different. Let me emphasize the words, “A little different.” As a former nurse, I have only met ONE person who ever had a metabolic disorder that caused them to experience excessive weight gain. Why am I emphasizing the fact that we are all just “A little different?” Simple, I know our human (fleshly) nature and if you give our feeble little minds any room for doubt, (“Oh, I can’t lose the weight because I have a metabolic disorder”) guess what will happen? Yep, I then have given you just another excuse to fail.

It's easy to see why most diets that ignore our eating habits always fail. Eliminating or restricting certain foods is unnecessary and can not be sustained. We all know how hard it is to go against our nature or to abruptly change our lifestyle. As I have said many times before, you have been eating particular types of foods all of your life; even since before birth. Yes, even the nutrients passed through umbilical cord during pregnancy have an effect on your predisposition to certain types of food items. Remember, if you tell your body no to a particular food that you have eaten all of your life, it will rebel!

That’s why Scale uses a simple mathematic method to account for what goes into your mouth as opposed to all of the advertising hypes regarding the bogus and failed diets that read like this: “The first and only Expert Nutritional System to truly evaluate your individual needs, and create an eating plan that will conform to your lifestyle and preferences.” Duh, my preference is to eat a large sausage pizza followed by a half gallon of Swiss Chocolate Ice Cream. Friends, we are going to use sixth grade math to take off, and keep off, those unwanted pounds.

The Scale method is not based on extensive scientific and nutritional experience, nor has it been optimized through the use of state of the art technology. That’s why it will work, because it functions at the level at which we all live. Remember my credo, “No pills, no programs, no surgeries and no fad diets!” I subscribe to the “KISS” method. Keep It Simple, Stupid.

The Scale method is simple and realistic. Losing weight doesn't mean you have to give up everything. Eating will remain enjoyable, and you'll still want to continue having good meals at home or when dining out with family and friends. Scale will help you to correct your over eating habits without asking you to give up the foods that you like to eat. And that is why it has worked for me, and it will work for you.

hello: My laguage is Portuguese...not Spanish....LOL...

I think you'd like to know the lyrics...or the woman that sings the song...true??? it goes:

Spend all your time waiting for that second chance
For the break that will make it OK
There's always some reason to feel not good enough
And it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction or a beautiful release
Memories seep from my veins
Let me be empty and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of the Angel far away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent revelrie
You're in the arms of the Angel; may you find some comfort here.

So tired of the straight line, and everywhere you turn
There's vultures and thieves at your back
The storm keeps on twisting, you keep on building the lies
That you make up for all that you lack
It don't make no difference, escaping one last time
It's easier to believe
In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness
That brings me to my knees

In the arms of the Angel far away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent revelrie
In the arms of the Angel; may you find some comfort here
You're in the arms of the Angel; may you find some comfort here

Sarah Mclachlan - sings "Angel"

posted by BlueShell | Domingo, Maio 08, 2005

A kiss.
BlueShell ( from PORTUGAL )
OK...but I have to ask my husband because I know nothing about it...
Even my English is not very good, you know...But I'll try to ask him how one does it, OK?

Give me 1 or 2 days, please. I'll see what I can do!

Are you English? American?...

Kiss, BLue Shell
He's been very busy...can you wait till the week-end???

How I Lost Weight…
I did not start out trying to lose weight, it just happened. See my Mother passed away in March and I took home all the bottles of vitamins and so forth. I started taking the calcium, vitamin e, magnesium...
I noticed I began to lose weight. Not a lot at first, but a few pounds.
I then began taking an essential mineral liquid supplement with another vitamin supplement containing Alo-vera, Green tea and Mangosteen. That’s when the pounds really started coming off. You want to try this too, click on the link below.
I did stop consuming 6-7 soft drinks a day. See, the 6-7 tablespoons of sugar in that stuff will blow you up big time. Not to mention the phosphoric acid; which causes your system to dump all the minerals and vitamins. Heck, I’ve used coke to pour over battery cables in the car to loosen them. The acid just eats it away. Anyway, I still eat my ice-cream a few nights a week. If I drink a soda I’d wait till late in the evening. Then I only have one. Amazingly they don’t taste the same way as I remember. They seem to have lost the zing for me.
I’ve had more I tend to work more outside in the yard. Since I have 8 acres there is always something to tend to and animals to care for and so on. I increased my intake of water. I know that helps as I recall the weight watchers diets mentioned the water benefits. Some days I do absolutely nothing in the way of exercise. I don’t have a gym with in 50 miles as I live in the forest. The nearest town has a flashing yellow light, no red lights. I have noticed improvements in my complexion as well. No more oily face! That’s due to the correct amount of the B vitamin intake. See B vitamins are water soluble, meaning you can’t store them in your liver the way you can fat soluble vitamins such as E or K.
Best of health to you,
Susan Allen
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