
Monday, March 14, 2005


What A Body Must Have Everyday.

Your daily caloric intake must contain essential nutrients in their proper amounts. It must have the proper balance carbohydrates, fat and protein; amino acids; vitamins; minerals; and ample amounts of water. The diet should include at least 1,200 calories per day. Daily caloric consumption below 1,200 calories could possibly cause damage to your body and permanently lower its basal metabolism. Additionally, you should engage in behavior modification to overcome poor eating habits or problem eating; therefore, you should look for ways to make lifestyle changes in order to maintain weight loss and prevent further weight gain. Your meals should not only accentuate good eating practices but also emphasize regular physical activity, stress reduction and other healthy changes in your lifestyle.

Be extremely careful about choosing fad diets or other “quick loss” programs. Albeit these programs are designed to help you lose weight, they lack the proper nutrients which can damage your health, foster depression and escalate the likelihood of repetitive failure during subsequent attempts to lose weight.

Pills, programs, surgery and fad diets do not work because they are not intended for permanent weight loss. These “quick fix” methods never address the root cause of obesity, and the food choices are so limited that the person cannot stick to the program for more than a couple weeks at best. Those who try the fad methods assume they have lost fat, but in reality, they have actually lost muscle and other lean tissue mass. Unfortunately, in a very short time, most of the lost weight is gained back. Moreover, most of these dieters will also gain additional mass that will exceed their original weight at the onset of the fad diet. The dieter appears to have failed and becomes emotionally distraught due to this set back when in actuality it is the diet that has failed.

I give you great credit for documenting your weight loss efforts on this blog, and I said a prayer for your success after finishing reading. My husband and I both fight our weight..some days more successfully than others! *LOL* God bless and take it one day, and one pound, at a time!
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