
Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Can you define your unhappiness?

How would describe your unhappiness? Abhorrence, acrimony, aggravation, anger, animosity, annoyance, antagonism, aversion, bitterness, dejection, depression, desolation, despair, despondency, detestation, disapproval, discontentment, disgust, dislike, dissatisfaction, gloom, gloominess, glumness, hatred, hopelessness, hostility, loathing, misery, resentment, etc. All are descriptive of someone who is not happy. And what event birthed the unhappiness in your life? Might it have been an unfulfilling relationship, a divorce, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, the death of a loved one, an unsuccessful career path, a terminal diagnosis, overwhelming debt, retirement, adultery, substance abuse, old age, loneliness, failing faith, incarceration, etc? Truthfully, the how and why doesn’t really matter. None of us went to bed, got up the next morning, looked in mirror and said, “Wow! I am overweight.” The one thing that does matter is the what. What are you going to do now? As you lose the weight all of the how’s and why’s will begin to fade into a distant past and whatever was the root cause of your unhappiness will seem pale by comparison.

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