Monday, January 10, 2005
Clothes that hide the weight.
My abdomen had become so large that I couldn’t even bend over comfortably and tie my shoes; hence, I was buying Velcro closure athletic shoes to avoid the strain of staying bent over long enough to complete such a simple task. Almost every pair of pants that I owned had the expandable waistline and not because I wanted the relaxed fit such flexibility can provide. No, pride kept me from admitting to myself that I had become so huge that buying a size 52 waist, which could expand to a size 56 waist, would allow me to suppress the reality that I was morbidly obese. Oh, and let’s not forget those “tent” style shirts! You know the kind that has the square bottom so it can be worn neatly on the outside of your pants. I call them “curtain” shirts, because they can be draped over your body and hide the excess weight quite nicely.
p.s some very good points on your blog
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
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